Friday, July 29, 2016

A Hot Harvest Day

I remember as a youngster reading a single paragraph filler at the end of a story in Reader's Digest that told of a king who was asked if he was happy.  He answered that he could count about five.  I vowed at that time that I would have more than five, in fact I planned to be happy every day.  Not every day has been a "happy" throughout my life but I think that in recent years, essentially every day is a "happy."

Today was an exceptionally "happy" despite the terrible uncomfortable heat and that the electricity was out for several hours this afternoon.  Both Gail and I were home all day.  We worked in the garden this morning before the sun baked the day.  We picked beans, primarily bush beans - the pole beans are not ready, picked peas and pulled the plants and harvested a couple heads of broccoli.  I also mowed the area and set a rigid schedule of watering from the spring.

The beans will continue to produce for weeks into the future.  The peas were past their prime and the harvested peas were overly ripe and many were given to the chickens as they were dry and hard.  The broccoli plants are such but have in many cases already produced a primary head so we're just waiting for secondary heads.  We'll have to wait and see.

This evening after the temperature have ebbed, we blanched the vegetables and froze them.  We will have veggies from the garden at least in a few meals this year.  Tomorrow the temperatures should peak near 80˚ instead of today's 98˚F.  Some pruning of bushes is becoming more important for the next weeks.  For now we're ending another very happy day.

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